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Sunday, 24 June 2018

This one step may be crucial for India to avert the impending water crisis

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By Amitabh KantWater and its management are the biggest challenges that India faces today. Nearly 600 million —half of India’s population — face high-to-extreme water stress. About 70% of our water is contaminated. By 2030, India’s demand for water is estimated to be double the available water supply. This could result in a possible 6% loss to India’s GDP.India has 17% of the world’s population, but only 4% of the world’s freshwater resources. With just 1,544 cu m per-capita water availability, it is already water-starved. Major interventions need to be made immediately to make water-use sustainable, efficient and guided by a deeper understanding of how our water resources can effectively be managed for future generations. It is with this aim that NITI Aayog led the development of the Composite Water Management Index (CWMI), with the report released earlier this month.Dry StatesThe CWMI aims to establish a clear baseline and benchmark for state-level performance on key water indicators in a data-substantiated manner. Also, it plans to examine and explain states’ progress on water issues in a set time series, identifying the high performers and underperformers.It is India’s first integrated national data set for water, addressing nine sectors covering 28 indicators, with the weights equally divided across the sectors’ indicators. Its focus is on groundwater, irrigation and policy action — pointing out the growing groundwater crisis, India’s low irrigation utilisation, and the vital need for effective policy frameworks.The reporting states have been divided into two special groups: ‘non-Himalayan states’ and ‘Himalayan and northeastern states’, to account for the distinct hydrological conditions across these groups. One of the index’s key objectives is to assess and identify not just the present ranking, but indicate how each state has progressed over time annually. It uses water data from central and state sources, and the data was collected over 2015-16 and 2016-17. This allowed the benchmarking of current positions as well as the evolution of performance.Gujarat is the highest ranked state, followed by Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. Rajasthan is the most improved state, gaining nine points by strengthening water user association (WUA) participation and restoring the irrigation potential of about 81% of identified water bodies. These are also expected to be prominent levers in the $100-million development of the Indira Gandhi Canal.The ‘Himalayan & NE states’ of Meghalaya, Tripura and Sikkim are also big improvers, increasing their scores by more than 7.5 points, signalling greater water policy action in this category.But 15 of the 24 states (60%) have achieved scores below 50 and have, therefore, been classified as ‘low’ performers. It’s encouraging that several water-scarce states are the leaders in performance. Many have suffered from severe droughts in recent years.CWMI’s data collection process involved close and continuous collaborations of relevant central agencies with state governments, and several state and local departments. Data for several indicators were compiled at the state level for the first time. An independent agency validated data submitted by states through cross-checking of public records, requests for evidence and field visits. The final validation findings were presented to the states in a conference.Fluid SituationIn a sector as data-scarce as water resources, NITI Aayog can facilitate the targeted dissemination of findings to states and support them in improving their water management policies and plans through workshops and discussions.So, while cooperative and competitive federalism are the key foundations of this, the critical need for each state to improve its water management and, therefore, its ranking makes this a task that is imperative.The eventual goal is to broaden the participation parameters and allow sector experts to share innovation and create innovative products that tackle the problems. With the possibility of open application programming interfaces (APIs), a bouquet of diverse expertise can contribute to improve, emphasise and normalise sustainable water-management practices. And because this is real time and dynamic, improving performance by a state is reflected on an ongoing basis.This is not just a ‘name and shame’ outcomes index. The very sustenance of a majority of India’s population is dependent on states taking this seriously and learning from other states who have overcome challenges. Future uses for GoI include exploring interventions that build on the index such as performance-linked irrigation funding, impact bonds for groundwater recharge, and a national water data platform, to boost national management of water.From the perspective of each of the states, this will be less a competition and more a platform for the synergetic interstate and Centre-state interplay. This index is a giant step towards data-based decision-making for water becoming the norm. It is only a start, and a necessary one.The proof of concept will be in triggering a national response to managing India’s water resources better. The CWMI is meant to be competitive as it ranks states. It is collegial because the ultimate holistic objective is one that addresses the sustenance of the nation as a whole, and all of its constituents.We must take the lessons that we have learnt and apply them now towards the sustainable use of this planet’s most vital resource.The writer is chairman, NITI Aayog

from The Economic Times

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